By submitting an entry for an event in the annual activities of the SASBA, the participant agrees to the Rules and Regulations of the South African School Band Association pertaining to the annual National Competition as outlined in this Prospectus and accepts the decision of the SASBA management about all matters regarding this event as final.
The SASBA National Competition will be hosted annually on the last Saturday of the September/October public school holidays in order to not interfere with the matric prep-exams, matric farewell functions, other musical competitive platforms etc.
The competition is open to everyone, on the following conditions:
There are no limits to the number of entries a participant may partake in.
Participants should observe the time allowed per item as outlined in this Prospectus.
Participants should adhere to copyright where applicable.
SASBA its Committee Members and its host venues shall not be held liable for any loss, theft, damages or injury sustained physically or to any private property, directly or indirectly during any SASBA event due to any form of neglect.
Participants agree to adhere to the Rules and Regulations in this section, as well as the specific guidelines provided at the beginning of each section in this Prospectus.
Any deviation from these rules will result in a 5% penalty on the total final score or disqualification where indicated in this prospectus.
Each participant will be adjudicated on his/her performance, and not according to what is assumed that other learners of his/her age can do. The application of this principal is non-negotiable
The correct amount should accompany all entries. No entries will be processed if the entry fees are outstanding.
Non-refundable Affiliation fees are R 1000.00 per annum per institution and subject to annual increase.
Non-refundable Participation fees are R 500.00 per participating group and subject to annual increase.
All fees are payable 2 weeks before the National Competition.
Bank details are as follows:
BANK: First National Bank
BRANCH: Ermelo
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62597540684
REFERENCE: School name / Affl Fee or School name / Participation Fee
PROOF OF PAYMENT (NO CHEQUES OR CASH): Email proof of payment to: annamarie_meyer@hotmail.com
In order to participate in the national competition, schools must comply with the following requirements:
Should be affiliated with the South African School Band Association (SASBA) and already paid affiliation.
Must comply with all SASBA rules.
KINDLY NOTE: It is the participant’s responsibility to use the correct entry form, to ensure that the group is entered in the correct category and that the information submitted on the entry form is correct, including the spelling of names. The category and item number needs to be filled in accurately.
SASBA Chairman reserves the right to amend any group’s entry to a category according to the compilation, age and completion of category of the group concerning.
All submission of entries are done online at http://samovinfo.wixsite.com/sasba
The closing date for online entries are 31 July of every year.
(Any changes to this date will be announced on http://samovinfo.wixsite.com/sasba and on Social Media.)
The corporate strategy of SASBA is to set and maintain the highest levels of integrity and credibility in the adjudication of the various categories at the national competition. SASBA annually presents training and moderation sessions for adjudicators in an attempt to establish uniformity in adjudication standards as far as are humanly possible.
SASBA will appoint the most competent adjudicators in all respects. SASBA will accept their decisions as final.
Experience over years has proved that discontent with the outcome of an adjudication session has more to do with an "unfulfilled anticipated outcome", than with the credibility of the adjudication.
NO person may approach any adjudicator before / during / after the session to discuss the outcome of the adjudication, particularly in the instance when he/she is unhappy with the outcome. Should this happen, all proceedings will be stopped immediately and this person will be ordered to leave the room and will not be allowed to attend any further performances. Proceedings will continue once order has been restored.
NO adjudicator may under any circumstance before / during / after the national competition, discuss any part of the adjudication or any circumstances concerning the competition with any person other than the SASBA Chairman. All aspects of the national competition and/or adjudication must be dealt with the utmost confidentiality.
However, SASBA considers any feedback on events and adjudication of critical importance in maintaining the integrity and credibility of the organization. Therefore all complaints regarding performances should be addressed to the Chairman and Appeal Board in a professional and civilized manner by Band Masters within 10 minutes after occurring. Kindly note that NO complaint will be dealt with telephonically.
All Bands must submit 6 copies of its music full scores for adjudicators. Exceptions: Marching Bands to submit 1 copy of its full score. Drum Lines and Marimba Bands – No full scores needed.
Participants are not allowed to exceed the maximum time limit as allocated per item. Adjudicators have the right to terminate ANY performance that exceeds the maximum limit as it could impact negatively on the flow of the event and will cause the remainder of the programme to run behind schedule.
Primary School Ensembles (2 – 20 Participants) (School grade 0 – 7) will have a minimum 12 minutes and maximum 20 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. Primary School Ensembles can either be conducted or accompanied. No PA system allow
High School Ensembles (2 – 20 Participants) (School grade 7 – 12) will have a minimum 12 minutes and maximum 20 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. No PA system allowed
Open Ensembles (2 – 20 Participants - containing members post matric up to 24 years of age) will have a minimum 12 minutes and maximum 20 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. PA system will be allowed.
Primary School Concert bands (21+ participants) (School grade 0 – 7) will have a minimum of 12 minutes and maximum 30 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. Primary School Concert Bands can either be conducted or accompanied. No PA system allowed
High School Concert bands (21+ participants) (School grade 7 – 12) will have a minimum of 12 minutes and maximum 30 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. No PA system allowed
Open Concert bands (21+ participants - containing members post matric up to 24 years of age) will have a minimum of 12 minutes and maximum 30 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. PA system will be allowed.
Primary School Symphonic Orchestras (2 – 20 Participants) (School grade 0 – 7) will have a minimum 12 minutes and maximum 30 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. Primary School Ensembles can either be conducted or accompanied. No PA system allowed
High School Symphonic Orchestras (21+ participants) (School grade 7 – 12) will have a minimum of 12 minutes and maximum 30 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage.
Open Symphonic Orchestras (21+ participants - containing members post matric up to 24 years of age) will have a minimum of 12 minutes and maximum 30 minutes to prepare the stage, complete their performance and clear the stage. No PA system allowed.
Drum Lines/Percussion bands will have 7-12 minutes for their performance. This means that a percussion group must prepare the field, complete their performance and clear the field within 12 minutes. No PA system allowed
Marching bands will have a minimum 12 minutes and maximum 20 minutes to prepare the field, complete their performance and clear the field. No PA system allowed
Marimba bands will have 7-12 minutes for their performance. This means that the Marimba group must prepare the stage, come on, and complete their performance and completely be off of the stage within 12 minutes. No PA system allowed. Please note that Marimba bands will perform in the Concert Hall and not on the field.
All Other groups will be scheduled according to the above durations.
** A public address system (PA system) is an electronic system comprising microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and related equipment (lights etc.). The term, sound reinforcement system generally means a PA system specifically for live music or performance.
** No category will be allowed to make use of backtracks
** All categories must make use of instruments appropriate to such categories unless the full scores states otherwise. All categories are allowed to make use of electronic Instruments, however, without PA systems
**Open - Concert Bands / Ensembles/Orchestras: Subjected to the above categories, the open category must contain a minimum of two thirds school children.
**Open Categories may use Fireworks, however, Fireworks must be used within the Governmental By-Laws as well as the hosting School By-Laws and that of the Fire Brigade By-Laws. SASBA and its host venues are indemnified against any loss, theft or injury sustained during the use of Fireworks.
The drum-major is adjudicated individually and is a competition on its own. The best drum-major will be announced and award accordingly.
The drum-major's mace (excluding the standard Scottish mace) should meet the following requirements:
Length of the mace: The head portion of the mace where the two parts fit together, forms a thick ring. This is the “head ". That portion of the head must be chest level in the middle of the two buttons on either side the drum-major's uniform when the drum-major stands in the stand easy position .The mace may be longer.
The shaft of the mace must be made of a continuous material with no break on the shaft. It may not be in two parts.
The mace may be flexible.
The short drum-majorette mace is not permissible for performance.
If the drum-major's mace do not meet the necessary requirements, the drum-major will be penalized with 20%.
A band may enter only one drum-major for the competition assessment. Other Drum-majors will not be adjudicated.
The drum-major must fully complete the prescribed movements. These movements must be carried out at the beginning of the performance, with or without the band:
• Attention / About turn
• About turn
• Carry (minimum 12 runs acts on end)
• March (minimum 12 runs acts on end)
• Left Wheel
• Right Wheel
• Counter March
• Mark time / Forward (does not have to be with the band)
• Halt the March
• Cut off the music
• Fall out with the band (Facing the band, fall out to the RIGHT)
There is no limit on the number of entries per category. E.g.: Participants may enter more than one group per category.
All participants entered under the name of a school/studio/music school should be bona fide learners of that specific institution.
Schools should acknowledge studios where applicable and vice versa.
Only school/studio/music school that have affiliated with the SASBA can be acknowledged on certificates.
The SASBA database provides for acknowledgement of both the school and trainer. The name of the school/studio/music school will be presented on the certificate if this information was provided on the entry form.
Participants will be scheduled according to random draw. SASBA Chairman Reserves the right to accommodate groups per urgent request before the printing of the programs commence.
Trophies will be allocated in the following categories. The below is in no specific order
Best Primary School Ensemble
Best Primary School Concert Band
Best Primary School Marimba Band
Best Primary School Symphonic Orchestra
Best High School Ensemble
Best High School Concert Band
Best High School Marimba Band
Best High School Symphonic Orchestra
Best Open Ensemble
Best Open Concert Band
Best Open Marimba Band
Best Open Symphonic Orchestra
Best Drum Line
Best Marching Band
Best Drum Major
Overall Best Impression, Neatness and Concert Discipline in the Concert Category (Ensembles and Concert bands)
Overall Best Impression in the Percussion and Marching Category (Marimba Bands, Drum Lines and Marching Bands)
Ensembles – 90% Music and 10% Overall Best Impression, Neatness and Concert Discipline
Concert Bands – 90% Music and 10% Overall Best Impression, Neatness and Concert Discipline
Symphonic Orchestras – 90% Music and 10% Overall Best Impression, Neatness and Concert Discipline
Marimba Bands – 90% Music and 10% Overall Best Impression
Drum Lines – 90% Music and 10% Overall Best Impression
Marching Bands – 70% Music, 30% Choreography and Overall Best Impression adjudicated separately
Should there be a tie in any category, the band with the highest music mark shall be deemed the superior band.
Any special requests regarding the scheduling of events should be submitted with the entries, but NOT LATER than the closing date for entries. SASBA will endeavour to accommodate these circumstances whenever possible, but can give no guarantee in this regard.
The details of participation will be distributed to the participating bodies at least 2 to 3 weeks prior to the SASBA National Competition, provided that the entries were submitted before the original closing date for entries. Any extension of the closing date might have an impact on this period. Participants should not wait for this information before they start their preparations for their relevant items and should rather prepare in advance in order to be ready to perform on the first day of the National Competition.
It is the participant’s responsibility to provide the correct number of entries. Failure to do so will result in the processing of incorrect information for which SASBA is not accountable. Once the programme has been finalized, no changes can be accommodated.
The National Competition shall rotate between the following Provinces where possible:
Gauteng Province
KwaZulu Natal Province
Cape Province
Only winners in categories containing 3 entries or more can qualify for SASBA National Colours.
Participants that also achieve a minimum total percentage of 75% can qualify for SASBA National Colours.
The following Eisteddfod grading will be applied:
90% + Awarded a Cum Laude Achievement
80% - 89.9% Awarded a Gold Achievement
70% - 79.9% Awarded a Silver Achievement
60% - 69.9% Awarded a Bronze Achievement
0% - 59.9%
SASBA National Colours (Bottle Green Blazer) must be ordered from SASBA’s official supplier.
Antex Clothing
013 932 2645 / 083 306 8085
An event that directly and exclusively results from the occurrence of natural causes that could not have been prevented by the exercise of foresight or caution; an inevitable accident - when it roars, go indoors; if you see it, flee it; if your hear it, clear it.
In the event that the National Competition experience a natural event (Act of God), safety is the primary concern and the competition will be stopped immediately and the location evacuated and/or assembled at an assembly point whilst the occurrence is assessed on 10 minute intervals. The competition shall continue as soon as the “all clear” is announced whereby the bands will be granted sufficient time to convene, prepare and perform.
The in event where an “all clear” is not possible, the competition will be stopped and winners will only be announced to the completed categories and the premises shall be vacated as soon as possible.
The following applications will be used to monitor and assess the weather:
Weather Bug
Africa Weather (http://www.africaweather.com)
The National Competition will start with the Indoor events first and thereafter continue with the outdoor. Should the outdoor event not be able to continue due to natural events then SASBA will assess the occurrence. Only when an “all clear” is given will the competition continue outdoor. The in event where an “all clear” is not possible, the competition will be stopped and winners will only be announced to the completed categories and the premises shall be vacated as soon as possible.
First Event - Indoors
Primary School Ensembles
Primary School Concert Bands
Primary School Symphonic Orchestras
Primary School Marimba Bands
High School Ensembles
High School Concert Bands
High School Symphonic Orchestras
High School Marimba Bands
Open Category Ensembles
Open Category Concert Bands
Open Category Symphonic Orchestras
Open Category Marimba Bands
Second Event - Outdoors
Drum Lines
Marching Bands
NB: The program of the day is subject to the location of the National Competition.
As every participant deserves the opportunity to be a champion in their own right.
All officials & participants should be treated with respect and dignity.
NO participant/parent/trainer/member of the audience may approach any adjudicator before / during / after the session as some members of the audience might relate this to "favouritism" and subsequently accuse the adjudicator of showing favouritism towards certain participants.
NO person may approach the adjudicator before / during / after the session to discuss the outcome of the adjudication, particularly in the instance when he/she is unhappy with the outcome. Should this happen, all proceedings will be stopped immediately and this person will be ordered to leave the room and will not be allowed to attend any further performances. Proceedings will continue once order has been restored.
No refreshments or smoking will be allowed in the venue.
All cell phones should be switched off in the venue.
The hosting venue may charge a reasonable entrance fee per person.
It remains the responsibility of the respective Band master and Trainers to convey all aspects of this prospectus to band members, parents and supporters alike.
Click here to download a PDF copy of te SASBA Rules and Regulations